Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Life of Pi - Father's Lesson

In Chapter 8, there is a part where Pi's father tries to teach Pi's older brother Ravi and Pi a lesson. He takes Ravi and Pi to the zoo. First, they visit the tigers. Pi's father tells them that tigers are EXTREMELY dangerous animals, and that they should never have anything to do with them. Pi's father orders a live goat to be placed in the den. They find out later that the tiger has not been fed anything for days. Ravi and Pi witness the tiger violently killing and eating the goat. The blood shed by the goat is to emphasize the danger of tigers. Ravi and Pi are very upset, and so is their mother. However, Pi's father continues on, moving from animal to animal, explaining why each animal is dangerous. Ranging from elephants and lions to hippos and birds, Pi's father talks about how each animal can harm humans if they find a reason to. I never knew how dangerous animals could be.
Ravi, Pi, and Pi's mother might not understand why Pi's father had to give such a demonstration, but I assume it's because he's that worried. Since I already know a tiger is an animal that gets stuck with Pi later on the stranded boat, I guess this has something to do with the story. I've never been stuck one on one with a tiger before, and I don't think I ever will. I guess I'm lucky. But reading this certain part of the story, I can definitely tell something significant will happen between Pi and the tiger. I can't wait to read more and find out!

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